Thursday, October 30, 2008

It was hot today.

Like, really hooootttt. And humid. I was as sweaty as a sweaty alligator.

Anyway, to the important news:

I have added some music over there on the right. This is my music. You can listen to it while you read. You can download it. You will love it. I will try to keep writing a few little doodley things and putting them there.

Additionally, I played around on Google Maps and annotated a little map that shows you where I am. You can see where I live, where Kusun train, where Afotey trains and other such lovelyness. The link is over on the right under 'About Me', or you can click here.

Have fundybungles.
By Jacob

1 comment:

SPD said...

Wow. "Ngoney Madness" is not THAT shit.

Don't get me wrong - it is still REALLY shit. But it is not as bad as most of the pathetically arranged sound-waves that assault my delicate ears on a daily basis.
