Tuesday, March 24, 2009

This is something worth reading and then buying

Here is the first 6 weeks of a diary written by Mixerman.

He's an engineer working on an 'up-and-coming' band's album with a big budget. It is fantastic. Just have a quick read of the first week's entries and then continue if you find it interesting.

Then buy the book.

Then give it to me.

Thanks to Gordon for giving me the link aaaaaages ago.

That's all. Bye.

And some more stuff

Today I have for you a couple of funny pitchers and a article.

That's all for now.

Bye bye bye.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Another scattered 'stuff I saw on the internet' post. By Jacob.


Played grand final yesterday and the day before. We won, which is nice. Doesn't matter what I did or didn't do, the team won. It's a team game. Yeah. We won.

Three premierships in a row for me. I must be some kinda superstar.

So, the stuff:

And, finally:

That's it for now. Thanks. by. Nice to see you. Bye.

I am a winner.

Friday, March 20, 2009

This is freakin' awesome.

My birthday's in October. Thanks in advance.

Read the original link here.

Why don't you go ahead and subscribe to Kottke.org as well?

Monday, March 16, 2009

This is interesting

Here is Jon Stewart ripping into Jim Cramer and CNBC about misreporting the world of finance - nothing you don't know or haven't heard before but everyone loves a scapegoat - especially one which is somewhat justified:

It's in three parts.

(via Daring Fireball)

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Friday, March 13, 2009

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Haven't been here for a while.

I went to Womad on or at the weekend. In Adelaide. That was nice. I had an organic doughnut that looked like a poo.

Here's some stuff for you:

Funny picture number 1

Funny picture number 2

I had to start Uni last week. That is very annoying to me.

How are you?
