Saturday, September 6, 2008

What I did today. By Jacob.


Today I got up at 11.30 and copped shit for being lazy. They don't seem to understand my need to rest on the Sabbath.

It was quite hot today. And quiet - nearly all of our group have travelled to Cape Coast for the weekend. I am too cool to go.

After my daily cold shower and bucket-powered laundering, Tiafo, Ray, Bryan and I enjoyed some delicious peanut soup with beef and rice balls. We then went to a festival in Teshie (10 mins in a Tro-Tro (bus) East of Nungua, where we live) and wandered around, trying not to be pushed into the open sewers while locals ran around the streets in the hot hot sun sun. Then we walked home along the beach. The beach was filthy - turds and plastic bags aplenty. Yum.

After we got back, we sat around the centre (where we live) and bullshitted for a few hours and then I wrote this. Later we'll go and rustle up some food somewhere. Maybe a cat.

That was my day. I will try to upload some video of some drumming performances - if I get it done I'll let you know.

In case you were wondering (and of course you were) this post is the beginning of me forcing myself to get into the habit of posting wonderful, informative information. Maybe every day I'll try to at least let you know what I got up to, even though I don't like doing it.

See how much I care about you?

You should totally comment and stuff to let me know you also care.



Tahli said...

I DO try to leave you comments so you think I care, but it keeps making me want to sign up for something or other...perhaps I'll do it to complete the illusion though :p

Unknown said...

Wot I dun today by SCOUT.
Today I got up at 11 o'clock like I always do and played with Marcus for 2 hours. Boy that boy's got too much energy even if it is his birthday. Then I dun a little sumthing on sumwun's bedroom floor, who and wot shall remain nameless. Then Abbie got sick, then I sucked marrow out of an old bone from the garden and ate rotten compost, then I licked everyone to show how much I love them and care about them, then Savages left, then I went back to bed, then I rote this to show how much I care about you..........NAART!
You better email your mother cos she said if you don't I can move into your room because I love her more than you do (refer face licking above). On second thoughts.............
row row row,
SCOUT The Wonder Dog!

Lisa H said...

Oh Jacob, the photos brought a tear to my eye, I was transported back to my Ghana trip though you have two buckets and I only had one, also I didn't have the lino on the shower walls so clearly you are way more popular - or unsanitary!
I'm glad you enjoyed the peanut soup - personally my mouth was watering, but not from longing it was more that sensation you get before you vomit!
Have fun and we'll talk about you again at drumming tonight.