Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Photos are here!

Hello Excited Person.

I have finally put up some photos of my room and where I'm staying. I haven't actually taken any others... I suppose I'll get around to it one day.

When you're older.

To see all the photos you have to click on the link below - it was a lot easier to use iWeb to upload my photos than do them one by one on this blog. I'll update the photo page when I have new things or if I can be bothered uploading video. When I do, I'll let you know here.


Here is a SNEAK PEEK:

My Room

Click here to go to the photos

1 comment:

GD said...

Wow dude, looks like a paradise, & I see a glimmer of love in your friend's eyes. Man, what a kickass time you must be having.