Tuesday, December 23, 2008

A Whole Nother Song. About Fauns.

Yo Whatup Dog Wiggidy Wiggidy.

I done a new song. It's called Shards of Light and is very pretty. Perhaps too pretty, but bear with it.

Basically, I was playing around with a vocoder and merged said playing around with a poem that I wrote for a writing subject at uni once when I was younger way back when. It's a real piece of art. The song is over there in the player on the right. A pdf of my wonderful poem is here. Please note that I was being creative with/taking the piss out of the assignment I was set (I think it was something to do with writing a poem that had lots of heavy, poetic-type description). Ok?

Just had to say that.

This song is the next in the 'Jacob is learning to use Ableton Live' series.

Africa? Huh?

Oh yeah, I'm still here. Just... doin' stuff. I didn't done much over this last weekend but - I was feeling sick and hidey. I went into town today and got a nice African top that swirls out when I spin. Lovely.

I had Banku and fish for dinner. Also lovely.

Bye. Listen to my song.


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