Thursday, November 6, 2008

Ghana is ok.

This post is going to be short but packed with wonder.

Today I paticipated in a somewhat lukewarm rehearsal with Kusun. Then I had a lesson with Afotey (which was really good, as always). Then Theofo, Otu and I had some lunch. Then Theofo and I went to a fetish ceremony in Labadi. The drumming was great. I was able to take some video - I will upload some sometime.

Afterwards, we went to Theofo's mother's house (in Labadi) to wait for the traffic to quieten down. She fed us and was lovely. We sat there quietly eating and just chillin' in the hood. It was great.

Thus, although this morning was suboptimal, I had a good end to the day.

This is fortunate - the last week or so Ghana has been giving me the shits - it's hard to get things done, people have been especially flaky, unreliable and asking-for-money-ey, no-one comments on my blog and it's been really freakin' hot. This evening has restored my level of enjoyment.

We'll see how we go tomorrow.

How are you?