Sunday, November 2, 2008

The 'What I did today' post for today.

Today, I went running again. At 5.00 again.

Unfortunately for me, I also didn't sleep much last night. Again. And my hip hurts....

No, really, running was fine.

Sure it was.

Anyhoots, after spending the remainder of my morning zombie-ing around and feeling sorry for myself, I went out to lunch with my mother's friend Thomas, a teacher. This was nice - we drove to Tema to a chop bar. The food was really good (even though I wasn't that hungry - I'd had wakye for late breakfast). So I spent an hour or so with him and his wife, then came back home.

From then on, the day wasted away. It was the sabbath, so that means bumming around for a day is ok.

Tetteh and I watched Kung Fu Panda and 10,000 BC. Kung Fu Panda was surprisingly good. I was entertained and may have even giggled once or twice. 10,000 BC was... well... it felt like it should have been awesome but, really, I was underwhelmed.

Thus ends my review for this holy day.

This cinema thing is becoming a bit of a habit. I need to be careful though as I am running out of movies. Luckily, Ghanaians like Willow so much that I think they would watch it at least another 103 times without complaint (it is pretty good though. If you haven't seen it, do so. I command it. Val Kilmer is such a good actor).

Additionally, I looked up a heap of music (see my earlier post for the tip of the iceberg) and tried to burn some DVDs for Theofo. It was a no-drumming day.

Kusun start rehearsing again tomorrow so I will be drumming properly all day again. I also have a lesson and a rehearsal with Afotey's group, so I think I'll be ok for drumming tomorrow.

That's about all. Anyone there got any more interesting Sabbath adventures?

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Yes, wash. Please wash.


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