Monday, November 10, 2008

FTW (For The Weekend)


I have a headache. Like, a real one.

On Saturday I had some lessons with Theofo and did some practice. Sunday, Theofo and I went back to the fetish ceremony from Thursday. From this I have a bit more video:

(For those of you who don't know him, Theofo is the guy drumming in the middle for the first 4 minutes or so of this video [with the blue drum]. He's pretty darn good.)

So, that was Sunday. I didn't go running - I was feeling crook. Next week. I promise.

Today (Monday) started well - Theofo came around at 7.30 for a lesson, which was good. After that, he went to rehearse with Kusun. I am sitting out of the Kusun rehearsals for a while as I haven't felt like I've been getting enough done there - instead, I am trying to spend the time going over my lessons and practicing.

So, Monday started pretty well. From there on in, however, the day rapidly detoriated.

Well, not rapidly... Rather, it deteriorated slowly, painfully and with a lot of waiting.

After Kusun's rehearsal I was meant to have another lesson with Theofo. He ended up getting caught up doing something else. As such, I waited.

This was more frustrating than the following sentence would suggest, mostly because I would call him (or receive a call from him on a borrowed phone) every 30 minutes or so and he'd tell me he was finished and on his way. Also mostly, it was frustrating because I couldn't really do anything else or concentrate because I was expecting him to turn up at any minute. In the end, I waited from 11.30 until 4, when I left to go to Afotey's rehearsal.

When I got to their training ground (at about 4), no-one was there. They'd travelled and played at a funeral (the one for the dancer in Afotey's group) on the weekend, so I had suspected that rehearsal wouldn't be happening, even though Afotey said on Thursday that it would.

Just to check, I called Afotey. To my surprise and despite all evidence to the contrary, he informed me that they were rehearsing.

So I waited.

After another 40 mins there was still no-one there. Additionally, some nasty-looking clouds had rumbled in. I decided to stop waiting and get home as quickly as possible - it was about to rain. Heavily.

In true Ghanaian style, as I was heading home I ran into some of the dancers who were going to rehearsal. It seems that, after the rain clouds showed up, rehearsal was on. I, however, not too thrilled about being caught in the impending rain, kept going.

To cut it short, this story ends with me being drenched in the downpour on my way home. In about 5 seconds I was soaked. I just kept walking home (20 minutes in pouring rain. Poor me).

In a dramatic epilogue, although you probably feel really sorry for me and perhaps are crying into your keyboards (as well you should), it was actually quite nice getting soaked. I mean, it was cold and all, but I figured I may as well embrace the discomfort and just take it easy getting home.

I let all my frustration and anxiety wash from my body in a muddy stream, forming a rancid, mosquito-infested puddle at my feet.


All in all, another day in Ghana - Theofo is coming again at 7.30 tomorrow morning. We'll try again.



Jess said...

I want to know what the spinning is for.. other than to make their shirts imitate an open umbrella. Your mission is to find out for me. I will only accept serious answers.
Hey look on the bright side, you got a running water shower, they are few and far between :)

Anonymous said...

you could have have has an egg sandwich on your way home. that woulda cheered you up


Anonymous said...

Dear Jacob,

Contrary to popular opinion, I read with wonder your every post. I just don't have much to say so I don't comment. However, I do hope you are well and enjoying life in the Warrior King nation.

I do have a question: is it the Jacob Kinniburgh who plays percussion and who I know and love who is also the Jacob Kinniburgh who is listed as playing percussion on C.W. Stoneking's Jungle Blues album which I have just purchased?


Jacob said...

Hello. Jess, I think the spinning has much the same purpose as other dance moves - that is to say, I dunno. It's fun?

Kanchana, egg sandwich stalls, as well as everything else, go running when it rains. This meant the street was deserted - a welcome change from being hassled every 5 metres. This is part of what made the walk home relaxing, though wet.

Dan, yes, yes it is. I forgot about that album, do you love it? From what I heard, it sounded pretty good. I am a percussionist, apparently. Everyone should go to CW Stoneking's site and buy his album. I won't get money, but Dan likes it, so it must be cool. I am playing on the top track in his myspace player. Very softly, in the background.

Anonymous said...

the spinning is great. How do they manage not to fall over?

Why didn't you run home in the rain and put all your buckets out to catch the water? You could've had your own festering mosquito pool in your very own room.

Anonymous said...

this is the 6th comment

Scoutrox said...

Make that seven. Now stop whingeing. Thanks for the postcard. You spelt rowr rowrw wrong. I usually use 'woof' in that context anyway. Your bed is very comfortable but I think you have fleas. Found some great spots to hide my bones in your bedroom.