Thursday, February 5, 2009

Clearing up


So, I'm just fiddling around with life for now - been working (a little bit), playing cricket (a little bit more), filling out various forms (a lot more than is healthy) and stuffs like that. Maybe I'll give you some more news later. Maybe. Later.

Anyhow, I feel that I need to give Mr Ray some credit for my choice of the lovely title of this blog (well, I told him I would). Basically it has been a running joke/observation of his for a while that many businesses just tack 'solutions' on the end of their name when, really, it doesn't mean anything. Like, 'Health Solutions', 'Childcare Solutions', 'Wash Your Car For You Solutions', etc. You will see this now. You may even work for a company that provides such 'solutions'. 

On another note, one interesting company, while not actually having 'solutions' in their name, is known as 'The Leaders in Pipeline Renewal'. This is almost as funny as solutions. A hot dog to whomever can find out what the business is and who works there.

Heh heh heh.

Anyhow, from that amusing observation of Ray's, the concept of Travel Blog Solutions was formed and the inanity shall continue. I like it.

The end.
By Jacob.

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