Since we last spoke, I have been as sick as a proverbial dog. Literally.
That is, I was as sick as a dog that's been made up for the sake of example (or moral lesson or whatever. Don't attack me on this, it's a joke. Shut up. Sam.) and then written down. YEAH!
This leads me to speculate here on the direction of causality between emotions and physical states - did I get sick and feel like crap because I was grumpy, or the other way around?
Ooh. How's that for pseudo-intellectual?
I propose to you that our physical reactions to things happen a lot earlier than our rationality or 'known emotions' are aware. For awesome example, if we are getting sick, we view things more negatively, react more adversely to things, get annoyed with less provocation, etc., before we even are aware that we're sick. Consequently, this idea suggests that all our emotions, thoughts, feelings, interpretations and such jazz are all dependent on our physical state, not our 'controlled rationality'. You are not in control. Take THAT you people who think otherwise! Materialism and determinism Rulez.
What do you think? Bring it, sister (I mean the proverbial sister, not just my one).
So, on Saturday, after my last post, I recorded some stuff for my NEW song (available over on the right - Manowar go to Ghana. It's a joke people. Enjoy it. Listen to it with headphones if there are people who don't like naughty words or bad music around. You've been warned. But, really, I like Manowar, so they shouldn't sue me.) and then crashed mightily. Apart from the not having water and all that business, I just felt like crap - I had barely eaten anything on Friday, didn't eat all day Saturday and had a handful of rice on Sunday. This is unlike me. I spent all day Sunday on a mattress on the balcony drifting in and out of consciousness (sounds much better than 'sleep', doesn't it?). Wah wah wah.
Whatever, I feel ok now. I figure I just got some small bug (there were runny poos involved) and it wiped me out because I was already knackered. I'm still a little bit wussy - Theofo and I did some drumming today and it was pretty hard going. It is hot as hell though. The last half a week has stepped the heat up a notch - that doesn't help.
Anyway. Got any stories?
Actually, I'll tell you what, I want to try writing a song. Just like other celebrities, I want my fans (you) to prompt me with inspiration for my art which I will then use without giving you recognition and become super rich, famous and awesome. SO, in the comments, if I get more than 7.4 suggestions for song ideas, I will choose one and try to write a song about it.
Not original, but everyone's a winner. I'd like to give it a try - I can't do lyrics, so we'll see how it goes.
Otherwise, Devo Go to Ghana is on the possible to-do list. You've been warned.
I don't want to get too carried away with distractions like this cos I'm busy, but... you know... I just want to try...
In other similar news - the beard is staying... so far... for now...
I think I am well enough to get back on the fried rice tonight.
Ok bye.
As it seems to be happening quite a lot to you, here's my song suggestion: Bowel action delirium
In response to your physical reaction "pseudo-ness", I propose the reverse. Rather than blame an illness for feeling negative, perhaps there is another reason.
My thoughts to YOU - Negativity can be caused by various issues, such as boredom, excessive workload, and fustration.
In the same vein of "too much of anything is baaaad" - Prolonged negativity has the potential to make you sick.
A scientific study of Buddist monks has proved that daily meditation does infact ‘re-wire’ the brain and can infact make us happier and healthier.
Pull out your mat and spend more time on prayer and positive imagery. Fluffy rabbits and all that crap.
I really like your manowar song
Hey Jacob, here's an idea for your song, and I wont even expect recognition.
I got a feelin.... Got a bit of an ingkling.... that.....
Scout is a bad Dog!!!
but if your really serious, heres a better idea...
The freedom to dare.... Daring to be different.... Ghanian Freedom?? Just random thoughts that were going through my head, LOL!!
Hope ur feeling ok!! I finish school today, haha!! and yes, for the whole year, woohoo!!!!! And I did well on my exams too, incase ur dying to know, which I know you are!! Scout says hi, Row Row!!! Really Miss you!! Abb
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