Joseph, of course, came back that night looking for some warm, floppy cash. I hadn't had a chance to get to the bank that day so called Tettey to see if he would be able to drive me to a bank when he got back (from wherever he was, whenever that happened to be). He said that should be ok, so I waited awkwardly with Joseph for a couple of hours. It wasn't awkward in that there was nothing to say, Joseph is a lovely guy and talked a lot - it was more awkward because he was only waiting and talking because he wanted money. And I had things to do.
Anyway, we waited until Tettey got back and decided that he was tired (admittedly, it was late. That is, we'd been waiting for hours) and we'd go to the bank in the morning instead. In accordance with my suspicions of Joseph's unusual friendliness, upon hearing that there was no money tonight, Joseph disappeared with a hasty farewell.
The next morning, we got the money and Joseph came later to scam it from me. I now have his passport as a deposit. As Sam has suggested, he'll probably just come up to me when he gets back without the money to pay back and declare that he needs his passport back. I will have to be strong. Either way, if that happens, I figure I'll have good reason to not give him any more money. Alternatively, if he does bring it back, all will be ok. Poverty and desperation are awesome.
On the lesson front, things went ok for the remainder of the week. On Wednesday I had a 7.30 lesson with Theofo, going over and consolidating some of the stuff that I had been learning, then a lesson at 11 or so with Otu (Kusun don't rehearse on Wednesdays). With Otu I learned a basic outline of the Kolomashie rhythm, which is what people play when doing street parades or running at ungodly times in the morning past my window - sort of like brazilian samba rhythms. Sort of.
After this lesson, Theofo came at 2.00 or so and we went into Accra to go the fetish market. In between my lesson with Otu and going into town with Theofo, I visited Tettey's friend Don, a secretary to Atta Mills, the NDC presidential candidate. I asked him about the possibility of getting an NDC T-shirt, after which one appeared in his hand. This meant that I wore the shirt on my trip into Accra.
An interesting idea.
Basically, the whole way into, through and back from Accra, I had Ghanaians yelling out to me, laughing, coming up and shaking my hand, initiating call-and-response NDC slogans and all sorts of shenanigans. I seriously couldn't walk 2 metres without at least hearing someone call out "Blofonyo NDC-ay!". Talk about attention seeking.
Theofo thought it was piss funny. For him, maybe.
Despite the constant distractions, we did manage to get to the fetish market where I was once again tempted by dried crocodile heads. What we were there for however, were some calabashes and seeds to make shakers. This was fine. End of that story.
The remainder of that night and the next morning I was trying to sort out my enrolment for Melbourne Uni next year. Talk about balls (and not the good kind). Basically, I'm not able to enrol in the subjects I want to enrol in because the computer says I can't. I even called Melbourne Uni and was told that it just 'wouldn't work, sorry'. The frustrating thing is that if I was able to walk in there and sort it out, it wouldn't be a problem - it makes no sense that I, enrolled in Arts/Science, am unable to take subjects that an Arts student can take. Basically, in this case, the Melbourne Model is bad. Maybe I will walk in a parade.
For the rest of Thursday, after spending the morning stuffing around with Melbourne Uni, I went to Theofo's and he started putting together the shakers. It's a multiple-step process however - right now the calabashes are sitting outside his house with soapy water in them, soaking.
On Friday, Theofo was feeling sick so I didn't have any lessons with him. Additionally, my phone is out of credit (courtesy of calls to Australia the day before) and I was too poor to buy more, so I didn't call any other guys an arrange lessons. Instead, I spent the day doing private practice - going over a couple of things that I have learned and also just trying to work on technique. It went ok.
Friday night I went in to the National Theatre to a show celebrating the British Council's 65 years in Ghana. I was not in the mood to go out, but really wanted to see the Pan African Orchestra play. They were there and were great - I have wanted to see them live ever since I heard their CD
years ago. There were also some other performers (the London community gospel choir for one - seriously, what's with gospel music?), but I don't care to talk about them right now.
Instead I would like to whinge about my current situation. If you will recall that my last post lamented our lack of water for the last week or so, you will surely understand my frustration upon awaking today to find that the water is, again, not flowing from the mains. As such, I have not washed, eaten, flushed my toilet or gotten dressed today. I am not planning to leave my room until water flows. I could be here for a while. I also am running out of clean clothes.
As a special bonus for you all, I have, in the spirit of Movember (towards which you should donate, despite my lack of updates... one is coming though.. just... here!), grown an 'I'm not shaving until the freaking water is flowing again because it's too hard and I am a wussy' beard. I see this as a Movember/Ghana/Jacob bonus for you and expect due appreciation. Photos are below (sorry to Eve on dial-up):

In conclusion, you only have a week to donate to my Movember fund, but don't feel too pressured - you would be better off giving it to me. Well, I would be better off if you gave it to me. I think the beard is here to stay for today at least. I know the poll has finished, I just have nothing interesting to do with it. What I mean is that I have a surprise up my sleeve but I want to keep it a surprise. For the present, just in case you, after seeing these photos of my manly beardness, have fallen in infatuation and think that I should remain bearded for a time, even if we get water, I have put up a short, new poll.
So, if anyone wants to email me a shower, feel free. Also comment if you have any ideas I should know about for stuff.
Ok bye.
The mustache should have gone if left to its own devices, but with its friend the beard well on its way, I think it looks quite good. So keep it all, you hirsute freak!
I also tried to email you some water but my computer didn't like it. Dmitiri will have to fix another fried keyboard.
Man, you are a post machine. Dunno where I'm gonna get that $50 to pay you if you succeed. Bah!
Fantastic mo by the way.
I love the bureaucracies at places of higher learning too. I remember changing majors at otago uni a million years ago, I must have walked a number of miles in going to and from admin and the departments for signatures and shit.. "oh no.. you have to see bla in the bla dept".. bla; "oh I dont know what blag's thinking you've gotta see bleargh at the blarg office".. etc .. Um... Really.. a great mo. Motastic mogasmic... moriffic.. motel.. mortgage.. mohawk.. monkey.. mollusk.. möbius... monoamine.. mo... ho.. ho.. ho ho.. merry christmas
Dan.. way to comment really early in the morning, 4 mins b4 I did. You should be asleep.
it seems now your beard is growing, that your chest hair is growing upwards to meet up with your beard. Do you think your entire body will soon be covered in one enormous beard?
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Somebody with a Ghanaian number keeps flashing me about once every two weeks at 9 in the morning. I have a more-than-sneaking suspicion that it is Joseph. What kind of shakers are you making with Theofu? Not the ungodly loud ones, I assume. Speaking of which, I've tried to play that in a folk band with a couple of acoustic guitars.
Not so much.
I will refrain from complimenting your beard until you tell me that you've sent me my pictures, which I hope you have. If you haven't, then I pray to god that the water comes back on so you can leave your room (which I'm sure smells so overwhelmingly of shit I don't know how you can breathe) and send them to me.
I think you're great,
American Wonder
Send a small boy up the road to buy some sachet water to bathe in. Come to think of it one sachet is probably only enough to was about a square inch of body so it's going to be a pricey exercise. Go down the road and see Ernest and his mate at the dutchie, tell them Chesty sent you and you may just let you in to bathe for free.
I wish I'd seen the Pan African Orchestra...very jealous...What's the current line up like? Do you know if they're based in Ghana or overseas? Wish they'd do Womad or something...maybe Jane can bring them out....Hey Jacob I have a small favour to ask - Would you be able to bring back a couple of bamboo flutes for me? I can send you some money for them. Would you be able to get a flute player to test them so that they play well in both low and high registers? sorry for being fussy but I've found they can be pretty inconsistent in quality...thanks very much and I hope you're washed by now...FM
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