My humblest apologies.
Well, two sleeps to go.
I haven't been up to much the last couple of days – the T-shirts are pretty under control. Ayiku showed me the first ones that he pressed today and they are really good. The rest should be done tomorrow. Regarding the shirts, when I said 'let me know if you want one', I meant to buy, not just, 'who would like a free shirt?'.
I'm talking to you, Abbie (you'll get one anyway).
So that's pretty under control. I also had a bunch of trouble getting my talking drum fixed, having been told by Theofo that the guy who repairs talking drums had died and had my drum and he couldn't get it and oh bother gosh deary me. Turns out the guy's not dead and, after tracking down the guy's number and location, extracting the drum from Theofo and arranging for Tettey to take it to the Talking Drum Repair Man in Nima, my drum is being fixed as I type. It should also be ready tomorrow.
On Tuesday Penelope and I went into the Arts Centre market to pick up a couple of items. That went well. Everything seems to be going peachily, yes?
In fact, the only mildly annoying thing that has happened so far this week relates to us 'missing' Australia day. Tettey (who I'm staying with) was invited to a party at the Australian High Commission to celebrate Australia day. Unfortunately, the courier bearing the invitation couldn't find Tettey's house (the postal service is interesting here. Street addresses pretty much don't work), so Tettey would have to go into the High Commission to get an invitation. Penelope and I were excited at the thought of eating barbecued meat – real, butchered meat where we know exactly what animal it comes from. As it turns out, we found out on Tuesday that the celebration wasn't on Australia Day (Wednesday) but was on the Monday. We missed it. Tettey tried to blame it on us, suggesting that we didn't know when Australia Day was. We did, apparently the Australian High Commission didn't.
So, instead, on Australia Day, we went to the Dutch Hotel and had a cheeseburger.
Today we had chicken and chips. That was nice but very much and filling. I don't know that we'll have anything else. But we might!
Isn't that exciting? SUSPENSE!
So, in preparation for my leaving, I've got my bags organised, worked out what stuff I'm taking home and what I'm giving away, packed what I can and wrapped foam around my drums. I feel like I'm pretty organised to go home now, assuming that the things I am expecting to be done by tomorrow actually are – this is an assumption that I should know not to make but am making anyway.
We'll see.
Tomorrow I have to say a few goodbyes, hopefully have a final couple of hours of lessons with Adotey and buy a couple of things from around Nungua, as well as give away many of my possessions.
I fly out from Ghana at about 7pm Saturday (GMT). I'll post again at least once before then.
Thanks for reading, see you soon.
Best of luck with the walking drum and good traveling. Bbs
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