Thursday, November 18, 2010


Hello. It's 1.40am and pissing with rain here. I am about to go to bed.

I didn't do much today, but I've been on a roll of posting daily, no matter how empty my posts are. Quantity!

Penelope is coming here on Monday which I am quite excited about. I went out today and bought a mattress for her to sleep on. I got a ride with Kenten (aka Basket) to one of the mattress shops (I did a bit of shopping around) while he was on his way to pick up Tettey's kids from school. I waited around for a ride home and he rocked up with about 8 kids (not all Tettey's – some were just getting a ride) crammed into the car. So I had a car ride with children on me. Then we stopped and got the mattress and put it on the roof, so then I had a car ride with children on me and one arm out the window holding a mattress onto the roof. That's about it.

I didn't train with Kusun today because they were being a bit half-arsed and it gave me the shits.

That's all for now.

Thanks for readink.

1 comment:

Girl in the little black dress said...

Yes it is raining. =) here too. I am now counting the days until you BOTH come back. :P