Monday, September 27, 2010


Oh, hey there. How are you?

Whatever. Here's what happened to me yesterday.

I got out of bed to the beautiful sounds of 'Fire, fire. Jacob, get out of your room.' which was an interesting way to wake up.

What had happened was that the wall socket on the wall outside my room (less than a metre away from where I was sleeping) had caught on fire and was shooting out flames and sparks and smoke and other fire-related things. Quickly, the power was turned off at the mains and everything was ok, except for the fact that we had no electricity until it was fixed, this morning. A day later. So, we had the lights and fans off and a few bare cables sticking out of the wall for a day. Fun fun. I didn't die though so I suppose it's ok. So that's why I didn't post anything yesterday. I have an excuse.

I also went to a fetish ceremony with Theofo yesterday. Well, I 'went to' it and 'participated', I think. I'm not completely sure. I was meant to provide two chickens and a guinea fowl but Theofo couldn't find a guinea fowl in time, so he got a dog. I can't really give much detail about what actually happened in the ceremony, but it was basically me asking for protection of some kind. As far as I can tell. Basically, the two chickens and the dog were offered, killed, cooked and eaten and I had to drink a lot of gin and give a lot of money.

Yes, I ate dog. It was fine. Watching it getting killed was not very nice – I have been told that I shouldn't put a description of what happened on here. It was pretty nasty and I don't want to make you, dear reader and close personal friend, upset.

There was shit everywhere and I got some on my foot.

Anyhow, after eating, I had a nap at Theofo's house while he was at a funeral celebration nearby. I think the funeral coincided quite 'fortunately' with whatever the ceremony was that I participated in and with the end of some season of offering or something. I have no idea, really. I got the impression there was some sort of annual celebration, a funeral and whatever I was doing all rolled into one. Bargain.

After my nap, I went and watched some music at the celebration (fetish drumming and dancing – very fast, furious, tricksy stuff) then went home. In the dark.

I then started watching the movie Platoon, decided I wasn't in the mood for Charlie Sheen and changed to Swordfish. I remembered Swordfish as being a bit crappy when I first watched it so I didn't have particularly high hopes. I was neither overly pleased or disappointed.

This is how I like to be.

So, that was yesterday. Today I have checked some email, eaten some bread and cheese and muesli (not all together), talked on Skype, practiced a (very) little bit and generally bumbled around (very slowly) on the internet, desperately searching for meaning in my dismal existence.

Lovely, really.

Thanks for reading, talk to you again soon. Well, not really, but I'll post something on here soon. Well, not soon, but whenever I feel like it.



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