Tuesday, January 6, 2009

A desperate effort.

Hello again.

I have made a new poll in a desperate effort to draw some form of participation from you information-hungry, never-satisfied parisites that read this wonderful blog (many thanks for reading, hope you enjoy it).

By voting in this poll you can choose which is the next song I write. As I am leaving soon, I have to start it shortly so voting time is limited.

So hurry, vote now!

On a further front, my travel agent is having trouble with my return flights - my current situation involves me spending 3 days in Kuala Lumpur. This is not particularly good as I have no money and would have to spend 3 days in Kuala Lumpur. Ah well, we'll see.




Jess said...

freakin klm.. cancelled my connecting flight 2 times before i managed to get home (with no stopover). if you had to sleep for 3 days at an airport schiphol is probably better (read more comfortable) than kul.
how could i not vote for my namesake..

Anonymous said...

I like your pom pom eskimo.

I decided to stop writing on your blog due to your need to know who an anonymous is.

Jacob said...

Sam, I don't think your vote registered.

Anonymous, ok fine. I don't care if you're anonymous - it was more of a plea than a need. I know who you are anyway - you're the person exposing yourself in the background of Sunrise with a bag over your head. That's the kind of person you are. But keep commenting, please. Glad you like my song.

Lee, be careful of my ego there boy. But you are right - I just spazzed it out quickly. It needs a bit more sparkle. If you want, I'll send you the Live set and you can go nuts.

Thanks everyone. Your comments make me feel so loved that I could jump off a balcony!
