Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Today was the International Day of Lagerphone Videos Being Posted on Jacob's Blog

Or IDoLVBPoJB for short.

Here are some goodies for you from right at the bottom of the Youtube/Lagerphone barrel.

Uncle John has some rad chops:

These two have a real spiritual thing goin' on. With the music and stuff, y'know?

The kid at the end of this has the right attitude:

So, happy IDoLVBPoJB to you all. All many, many, many of you. Fans. People who love me for who I am.

I am secure and comfortable in my own skin.


Saturday, July 25, 2009


I think it's interesting that I find zoos depressing but this doesn't bother me at all.

In fact, I find it quite nice.


Sunday, June 7, 2009

1, 2, 3

I thought this was funny. The more times you watch it, the funnier it gets. Or it doesn't.

This is one of those things that I found so amusing that I had to post it on my almost-defunct Web-log.


Saturday, May 30, 2009

I went to Africa

Here's a song about it. It's pretty much what Africa's like. Like a documentary.

Haven't been here for a while, hey? Well... hi.

Ok bye.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009



I haven't really been gone, but I'm back. And lazy.

Here are some things:

This is the best thing ever, like, woo. A band in a box.

Keep your ears open for the bass player who really knows how to lay a groove down. Yeah! Bop-a-chow!

Things like this video actually sorta depress me and make me not want to do music any more. I get the feeling that everything that has needed to be done has been done - the art form has peaked, I have nothing to add...

And, this is also the best thing ever : making your own movies, just by typing in some text 'n stuff.

Check it out., it is fantastic. And fantastic.

Ok that's all. Enjoy.

Whatever, bye.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Oh... the 100th post has gone...

I didn't even notice. This post here (right now!) is the 101st.

Wow, huh?

Anyhow, I see a lot of stuff on the internet. Some of it is interesting, lots of it is stupid. I post some of it here when I feel like it (indeed, I have a backlog of stupid-interestingness).

Sometimes, however, I see something that amuses me so much that I run over here like a schoolboy with an itchy bottom and post it straight away.

Like this:

Nice, uh?


Tuesday, March 24, 2009

This is something worth reading and then buying

Here is the first 6 weeks of a diary written by Mixerman.

He's an engineer working on an 'up-and-coming' band's album with a big budget. It is fantastic. Just have a quick read of the first week's entries and then continue if you find it interesting.

Then buy the book.

Then give it to me.

Thanks to Gordon for giving me the link aaaaaages ago.

That's all. Bye.

And some more stuff

Today I have for you a couple of funny pitchers and a article.

That's all for now.

Bye bye bye.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Another scattered 'stuff I saw on the internet' post. By Jacob.


Played grand final yesterday and the day before. We won, which is nice. Doesn't matter what I did or didn't do, the team won. It's a team game. Yeah. We won.

Three premierships in a row for me. I must be some kinda superstar.

So, the stuff:

And, finally:

That's it for now. Thanks. by. Nice to see you. Bye.

I am a winner.

Friday, March 20, 2009

This is freakin' awesome.

My birthday's in October. Thanks in advance.

Read the original link here.

Why don't you go ahead and subscribe to Kottke.org as well?

Monday, March 16, 2009

This is interesting

Here is Jon Stewart ripping into Jim Cramer and CNBC about misreporting the world of finance - nothing you don't know or haven't heard before but everyone loves a scapegoat - especially one which is somewhat justified:

It's in three parts.

(via Daring Fireball)

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Friday, March 13, 2009

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Haven't been here for a while.

I went to Womad on or at the weekend. In Adelaide. That was nice. I had an organic doughnut that looked like a poo.

Here's some stuff for you:

Funny picture number 1

Funny picture number 2

I had to start Uni last week. That is very annoying to me.

How are you?


Monday, February 23, 2009


Hello. Here's a video what I made from photos I took nearly every day while in Ghana.
There's a lot of me in it, I hope you haven't just eaten.

Just kidding, I'm beautiful.

Here it is:

In other, more daily news, I went to Coles today to buy cotton buds. While I was there I had a craving for a Strawberry Big M. I went and got one off the shelf, walked around in a confused circle and then put it back. I FOUGHT THE URGE.

How inspiring for you.

Ok bye.

Saturday, February 21, 2009



Today I played cricket. At Sunshine. It was a bit cold and windy but the sun did shine.

I opened the batting and made 3 runs. This is sad for me. I got hit in the head a couple of times. This also was sad but I am tough (and was wearing a helmet) so there. The pitch was dodgy and the bowling was good. It was the first day of a two-day game to be completed next Saturday and MY team (good) made 210 and have the other team (bad) 5 wickets for 50 or so. This is good. We should win.




MY team came equal-second/third. I didn't help much - I have very little general knowledge. This may be hard for you to believe given the broad-reaching and brilliant nature of my pseudo-intellectualism but it is true.

In my defense, there weren't any questions on West African drumming or Nietzsche.

Maybe next year.

Good night.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I went to a concert

To see Chick Corea and John McLaughlin. And Brian Blade and Christian McBride and Kenny Garret. Rearry Good.

Right now I'm watching 2001: A Space Odyssey. It also is rearry good.

Good night.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I have more hair on my left-hand side.

I have no photo evidence, it is just something that I've noticed for several years now.

I thought you might like to know.

Perhaps the next time when we meet up, if we run out of things to talk about we could talk about my lopsided allocation of hair.

That would be nice.

It's 2am.
Good night.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

What I've done so far today, by Jacob

Today I reached into my filing cabinet to withdraw some mad filez and I dropped the pen I was holding. Then I spent 5 minutes looking for the pen among my files.

Good day so far.


Friday, February 13, 2009

Soviet Break Dancing

This is pretty freakin' awesome.

Also, click on this post's title to go to the site where I found it - there are a couple of other similar, interesting items.

Or you could just stop reading my blog and read Kottke.org.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Actually, I remember what I did today

I went to the St Kilda festival with Kanchana. That was good. Well, I don't really like festivals, but it was nice to hang out nevertheless. I saw Jackson Jackson and had a discussion about the merits and pitfalls of electronic songwriting sort of bands playing a straight ahead rock gig with a full band when they perform live. Like, is it a problem that the music that they are performing - rocky rockness with a full band - is different in style and context, if not notes and melody, from what is on their album? It's kind of like a different band playing different music from what they do.

Then again, I don't know anything much - I hadn't heard of Jackson Jackson before a couple of days ago.

Ok bye.

And this is interesting:

(via Waxy.org)

Maybe I could do stuff like this - show you interesting things. 

I mean, sure... when I have news, I'll tell you. For now, be happy with interesting things. 

Geez. You are so needy.

Thank you.

Obama says naughty words

Go here.

That's all I's gotz for today.


Thursday, February 5, 2009

Clearing up


So, I'm just fiddling around with life for now - been working (a little bit), playing cricket (a little bit more), filling out various forms (a lot more than is healthy) and stuffs like that. Maybe I'll give you some more news later. Maybe. Later.

Anyhow, I feel that I need to give Mr Ray some credit for my choice of the lovely title of this blog (well, I told him I would). Basically it has been a running joke/observation of his for a while that many businesses just tack 'solutions' on the end of their name when, really, it doesn't mean anything. Like, 'Health Solutions', 'Childcare Solutions', 'Wash Your Car For You Solutions', etc. You will see this now. You may even work for a company that provides such 'solutions'. 

On another note, one interesting company, while not actually having 'solutions' in their name, is known as 'The Leaders in Pipeline Renewal'. This is almost as funny as solutions. A hot dog to whomever can find out what the business is and who works there.

Heh heh heh.

Anyhow, from that amusing observation of Ray's, the concept of Travel Blog Solutions was formed and the inanity shall continue. I like it.

The end.
By Jacob.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

A big retrospectivey sort of post.


Apparently 9 people in the world like me and this blog. That's nice. As such, I will find a way to continue this blog. Well, not 'find a way' so much as 'get off my arse and try to write about things.'

I've been home for a week or so now and am still trying to get back in the swing of things. One of the chief problems relating to that is that I don't really have a 'swing of things' to get back to. This is a problem. Anyhow, I'm back at work, have played cricket, etc. and Ghana is just a distant memory. Well, not really.


Here are some deep thoughts.

First of all - people are really poor. Really poor.
Second thing - I don't understand how things work there. Relationships, customs, courtesies and other day-to-day things are still unknown to me. Sure, I managed to work with it, but I don't understand it - things are so different that it's dangerous to rely on my certain set of expectations, interpretations and understandings of people's behaviour when attempting to 'understand' how things work. Of course, really we don't know how anything works -- how other people think and feel, etc. -- but within our own societies we generally find that our model of 'what goes on' doesn't get proven too wrong too frequently. Additionally, when things happen in our own society that we don't understand, we are able to ignore it or ascribe some other reasoning to it. In Ghana, frequently I had to remind myself to attempt to attenuate my natural second-guessing.

So, there's that.

I found Ghana to be incredibly friendly and accommodating. I suspect that much of this is due to people wanting to know 'the white guy' in case he handed out money. I don't know whether that is realistic or overly cynical. Either way, it made me feel welcome and at times annoyed by the constant greeting.

Also, the ways of teaching and learning are completely different. Everything there is transmitted, taught, remembered and learned aurally and orally. I suspect that I am chiefly visual - when remembering and learning rhythms and music, I visualise what I am playing and am able to remember and analyse it that way, from what I can tell. So, that was interesting too. Yeah. Interesting.

The lack of organisation, truth and care annoyed the hell out of me many times. Of course, much of this is to do with communication, different values and customs (as mentioned earlier), problems caused by poverty and lack of infrastructure (traffic, power outages, people getting sick, etc.) and sometimes just plain laziness. Of course it's possible to explain laziness and tardiness as effects of the hopelessness that poverty can induce, but let's not worry about that. It still is and is still annoying.

Ok. I'm bored of this. Maybe I will do some more semi-intelligent ramblings later on as they appear to me. In dreams.

I would strongly recommend a trip to Ghana. If you are at all interested in music, whatever instrument you play, it will help you understand things in a different way. Also, if you are looking for a holiday, it's more interesting than Bali. I think anyway. If you want any advice or have any specific questions, feel free to let me know.


I'm finding it a little bit hard to 'get things done' back here in Melbourne. This is largely because I have an intimidatingly-large list of things to do. And I have no money. Anyhow, I am chipping away and slowly becoming (more) the awesome person that we all want me to be. Yeah!

Also, my communications are a bit weak at the moment so if you want to contact me, email is your best bet.

Have fun. If I hear of anything interesting I'll let you know.

Thanks for reading. Please continue if you want. Or don't. Whatever.

But please do.


Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I'm back.

Hello. I am in Australia now.

Hoorah for me.

There is still more to come here - the song Jessica for one (I couldn't finish it in KL because I needed an internet connection to use Live because I am running the demo and that made me cry because I didn't have an internet connection).

I arrived this morning, spent an hour or so arguing with customs and eventually allowed them to take a heap of my stuff (some of which they want to destroy. Bad customs! No!). I spent the rest of the day trying to get some shit together, failing and wandering around the house with things in my hands which I would later put down at some unknown location. Oh what fun.

I have put a poll up allowing you to decide whether or not this blog shall continue. If it does, I will have things to put here. New songs, thoughts, ramblings, etc. We'll see how it develops. If you think I should quit while I am only slightly behind, let your vote count.

Obama. Woo.

I am pretty gosh darn tired.

Ok bye.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

I'm leaving Malaysia

I'm in the airport in Malaysia. I'm leaving now.


See you soon.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

I'm in Kuala Lumpur

Hello. I am in Kuala Lumpur.

Here's what's been up.

In Amsterdam I met up with Zonto (after waiting at Amsterdam Centraaaaaal station for 40 minutes in the cold) and then walked around in the freezing cold. That's about it. Of course we walked through the red light district. Man, those guys love their dope and whores. I couldn't really see what all the fuss is about, however. Maybe that's because it was during the day and freezing, friggin cold.

Anyway. Now I've been. So there.

Then, Zonto had to go off somewhere. I found this awesome old video games shop and bought an old Booster Boy accessory for the original gameboy. If you don't know what it is, don't worry - I couldn't find it anywhere in the Google. But I was excited. It was 3 Euro, which is about 4 million AUD, I think, but worth it.

Then I went back to the airport.

After some time (I bought a book which I've now read and slightly regret. But not really. But a little bit...) I flew to Kuala Lumpur. Out flight was delayed by an hour or so, by the way. That was fun. Apparently the plane was undergoing 'minor' repairs on a 'minor' part. I understood that to mean that one of the wings fell off and they had to gaffer tape it back on. That was a nice thought.

I had a shitty time on the plane, literally and figuratively. This was most likely due to a Burger King meal at Schipol airport. I felt that I just had to. Anyway, I spent some effort associating the filthy hamburger with my gurgling spurgling stomach so as to discourage myself from such foods in the future. Good on me.

Regardless, we got to Malaysia with just the one wing (circling to land was easy. In fact, we could only go in circles...) (I think that was a joke. Sorry). Once there, I discovered that my bags had been checked through from Accra all the way to Melbourne, where I wouldn't be for 4 days. I figure this was just Ghana's way of saying goodbye. So, this meant a few hours of waiting around while my bags got taken off another flight and brought to me. Not very interesting really. Or fun.

Then I caught the (relatively but not actually) expensive express train to KL Sentral station, wandered around a bit with my heavy bags, found my way to the Monorail station, caught the monorail to a few hundred metres from my hotel, checked in, showered and then collapsed. It felt like I'd run a marathon or two - it was Saturday and my last semi-decent night's sleep was Tuesday. That was fun.

Anyhow, I slept deeply, had a (free) buffet breakfast at my hotel, then went back to my room and drifted between crappy TV and sleep. It's about 10pm now and I thought I'd have a wander out and find an internet cafe (hotel internet prices are ridiculous. Something like $1 a minute. I mean, come on.) so I could let you all know what's going on.

Finally, regarding my situation just before leaving Ghana (ie. waiting for people to help me with last-minute things): Ablo didn't get my Ngony finished. I gave him a pretty stern talking to and arranged for Theofo to go and pick it up from him asap and I'd work something out when I arrived in Australia. This annoyed the shit out of me (it still makes me angry writing about it)
for the obvious reasons as well as others that I can't be bothered listing here. Regardless, I'll have to work it out later. Nana Danso didn't show up with the flutes - I asked him to give them to Jane instead so that she could bring them back for me. I don't know if this happened or not (sorry Fiona, we'll see). Okuley came from Accra to see me off but forgot his clippers. Luckily, he was nice enough to go back to Accra, pick them up and then return. So I got my hair cut. Also, Otu turned up to record the things I wanted, albeit apparently begrudgingly and quite rudely. Maybe he was just very upset that I was leaving. I would be.

So, that's what's up. I'm in Kuala Lumpur and will maybe do some stuff tomorrow. Or I might just go and sit by the pool for a day. We'll see.

Ok Bye.

Friday, January 16, 2009

In Amsterdam

Hello. I got to Amsterdam. Unfortunately the computer I am using (3 euro per 15 min net access in Schipol Airport) feels like it was designed in communist Russia. So, this post is short and painful (for me, not you). It's about 7am here - the plane got in about 5.45. I leave at 9pm or something. I'm off now to meet Zonto in Amsterdam and waste a day.

ok bye..

Frickin Russsians..

Thursday, January 15, 2009

I leave in 10 hours

At about 10pm today, my flight leaves Ghana. I'll probably be on it. From there, I have a day in Amsterdam and three days in Kuala Lumpur, so you're not free yet - this blog still has a little bit to go.

The last few days have been pretty good - a little bit busy but nothing too frantic. I have all my stuff pretty much organised and ready to pack but am taking time out of my packing time to write this for you. However, while I do have a lot of deep, deep thoughts and feelings to express about my time in Ghana as well as a few nice stories about my last few days here, I don't really have the headspace to structure it all right now. I figure I can plan it in my head as I fail to fall asleep on the way to Amsterdam. So, stay tuned.

Also, the song, Jessica, is coming - I've made the music and written the lyrics (as of about 5 days ago) but haven't had the time/privacy to record the beautiful, angelic vocals. So it's coming - I have a hotel room/studio in Malaysia waiting for me. Stay tuned. Luckily, to console you in your time of need, I have added my Song of Freedom to the playlist (on the right, of course). It's something I had to write when I went to music school once in the past. This is a new 'made in Ghana' version. So, yeah. Enjoy and stuff. Again, please stay tuned.

Finally, a note regarding my earlier description of my packing up and leaving experience as comprising 'nothing too frantic'; at the moment I am waiting to hear from Ablo who is in Accra 'fixing' my Ngoni, waiting for Nana Danso to bring me some flutes, waiting for Okuley to come from Accra with his clippers to cut my hair and waiting for Otu to come and record some things for me. We'll see how frantic things are in a couple of hours' time when no-one shows up.


I'll post again today if I get time and space, but I doubt that will happen. Next post will probably be from Amsterdam, or Kuala Lumpur.

Thanks for reading. Really.


Tuesday, January 13, 2009

A waking vigil...

That title sounds good enough to me. That may be because I haven't slept very much.

Here's why:

Attempting to get to bed at 'a reasonable hour' last night, I managed to be in bed sometime shortly after 12 listening to some podcasts.

Snug. Warm. Comfortable. Drifting away...

I must have got some sleep because I was woken to a drowsy, semi-awake state at about 2.30 by scratching sounds. Little harmless scratching sounds. The little, innocent, harmless scratching sounds of a cockroach in my bed, next to my head.

Alas, the rhyming nature of my situation didn't make it any more pleasant.

All of a sudden, I was fully awake and looking for my nearest available whacking-thing. I then spent the next hour or so hunting and (eventually) destroying this incredibly dangerous and menacing creature (Dan, it's ok. I didn't eat it). By the time I emerged victorious from battle, I was fully, fully woken up and unable to relax again. So, I checked my email and spoke to some of you on the computer.

It was nearly 3.30am.

While on the computer, checking my email, I discovered that, as alluded to in an earlier post, I am indeed to be stranded in Kuala Lumpur for 3 days on my return journey. After some email correspondence with my travel agent and mother (hello mother) and determining the likelihood of my being detained at Malaysia airport due to my 'unusual' luggage (not very likely, apparently and fortunately), I managed to wangle the situation so as to have my hotel and breakfast paid for, along with some small cash to cover other food, transport and the like. So, while still being a pain in the arse, I guess this means that I will have a mini-holiday in a nice hotel in Malaysia on my way home.

Could be worse.

By now it was after 4.00 and I figured I really needed to try and get some sleep.

So I went back to bed, relaxed, thought of a Malaysian poolside and began drifting...

and then heard scratching sounds.

With some naughty words and thoughts, I very reasonable and calmy figured that I would just stay awake.


So, yeah. Now I'm tired and semi-incoherent


Monday, January 12, 2009

Nah... False Alarm...

They were just stuffing around...

Back to waiting...

Today was Monday

Today was Monday. That is either the first or second day of the week, depending on whether you think Monday or Sunday is the first day of the week.

As you may be able to tell, I don't have a lot to write about.

I had beans and plantain for lunch:

Which was more delicious than it looks (like a beany turd).

Ummm... I did some practice... Theofo went into Accra to get a talking drum bag made for me. That was nice of him.

Uhhhh... that's about it. Last night I went to Otu's for dinner and hung out, which was good. I took my camera which made the kids excited - I ended up taking quite a few photos of them. Maybe I will upload them. If you are lucky.

Do you feel lucky?

Also, I am starting to think about getting my stuff organised - I leave very soon. I am also starting to think about how it is too soon that I am leaving. This is sad. Unfortunately, I have a finite amount of visa time and money. So, yeah. Soon it is.

At the moment I'm waiting for Theofo to come and give me a lesson (for a change). Baby Kusun are rehearsing outside, so I think I'll go and join them.


Saturday, January 10, 2009

Voting is stupid

Well, all the millions of votes are in and have been counted, checked and checked again - the results are 50/50 (from 4 votes... thanks. You guys must really care).

So, my next song will be Devo Go to Ghana or Jessica, depending on what I feel. Although, the reason I did the poll was so I didn't have to choose - for you, dear readers, I will do so anyway.

Because I care.

In other news, I went to the Accra Mall yesterday. This was a bad experience. The Accra Mall is like a mini chadstone - all white tiles, Nike and air conditioning - in the middle of surrounding poverty. So, yeah. Feel free to feel righteous about that.

Although I am a little bit ashamed, I did have a chicken burger and chips at Barcelo's, a Nando's ripoff which I think was actually nicer than Nando's. It was delicious.

Also delicious are these biscuits I saw in the supermarket and subsequently bought:

They're coming back with me and will find their way to the stomach of some lucky person back home. Yummy.

Today I went out with Thomas, an old friend of my mother's and lecturer at the teacher's college in Winneba. I went and saw a couple of the schools that he helped set up in Teshie then went and had coconuts and lunch at his house with his family. This was nice. Because he's been in Winneba for most of the time I've been here and his kids (the youngest two are around my age) have been at Uni, I haven't seen as much of them as I would have liked to, I realised today. Oh well. Next time.

An interesting tidbit for you sentimentalists: when I was here 9 years ago I went to Thomas's house and had coconut from the same tree and sat in the same spot and so on. So there. Take that.

Thanks for reading. Home soon.


Thursday, January 8, 2009


So, yesterday I did a bit of 'stuff'. No lessons- Theofo was in Labadi doing some stuff at his mother's house. I did some practice, had beans and plantain and, in the afternoon, went into town to do some stuff. First, I took my ngoni in to Ablo at the arts centre market to have it fixed/un-broken from his last fixing. Nothing too important and hopefully won't be too much trouble. When I got there, his group was rehearsing, so I spent 40 mins or so watching them. That was nice.

Then I went and met Jane and Okuley in Circle, had some food and then bought some shoes. I'm very happy with my purchase. Also, those who are sick of my usual Converse shoes (that I love so much and you should get off my back about it - I like them, all other shoes are just ripoffs, so why not get the original? And they're cheap) can finally breathe a sigh of relief. I have changed:

Although, perhaps not for the better. I am now officially Jewish, my shoes say so. Cool.

And that's about it. Then I went to bed and woke up and it was today. Who knows WHAT exciting stuff I'll get up to!?

Oh yeah, the new President was inaugurated yesterday, so Accra was a bit crazy. The end of politics in Ghana for Jacob. Change is HERE.

By the way, in case you don't read my comment-replies to the comments, Anonymous, just post as anonymous if you have that much of a problem. By my plea for people to identify themselves in the comments, I was just trying to make the world a better place, but that doesn't matter. Whatever makes you happy dear, deer readers.

I'd rather have comments on my blog than live in a perfect world.

Ok Bye.


Tuesday, January 6, 2009

A desperate effort.

Hello again.

I have made a new poll in a desperate effort to draw some form of participation from you information-hungry, never-satisfied parisites that read this wonderful blog (many thanks for reading, hope you enjoy it).

By voting in this poll you can choose which is the next song I write. As I am leaving soon, I have to start it shortly so voting time is limited.

So hurry, vote now!

On a further front, my travel agent is having trouble with my return flights - my current situation involves me spending 3 days in Kuala Lumpur. This is not particularly good as I have no money and would have to spend 3 days in Kuala Lumpur. Ah well, we'll see.



Talkin' 'bout last night.

Good morning.

Last night was good, so I thought I'd tell you about it. Briefly.

It was the birthday of one of the two Swedish ladies who are currently here learning dance, so there was a do of sorts. This was busy - there were a lot of people hanging around (not as many as my birthday though). The nice part involves Baby Kusun performing and me joining in. This was good - we did a long version of the Fume Fume with lots of impromptu dance solos. Also, Theofo turned up half way and took over the drum solos which was rad. After that I stuffed around on talking drum and Tettey, Theofo and I had a delicious sort of 'jam' thing. That was nice.

Merriment was around and I got free Coke (a Cola). That was nice.

Yesterday was really hot though. Just thought you should know.

At the moment, I'm just waiting for Theofo to turn up and teach me stuff. Grouse.

Ok bye.

Monday, January 5, 2009

I'll be home soon. Here's a song.

So, not really all that long to go now. Pity, really - I like it here.

I haven't been up to much. I've been having a heap of lessons with Theofo and practising. Also, I've been trying to learn PHP and how to set up and run an online store. More about that later.

The song is in the player on the right and is called Jackie Goes to Ghana. It's a cover. Yes, it's a cover of that song. I've been wanting to do it for a while and now I have. It's more of a proof of concept than a particularly well-thought-out cover, but you'll love it anyway.

What's up with you? How's the new year?

Ok Bye.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

It's Official

NDC won. For real now. Every other time that they've 'won', there has been some sort of shifty business where the old party (NPP) has managed to delay or alter the results somewhat. Now, however, it's official. Professor John Evans Atta Mills is president and the NDC are back in power after eight years of NPP rule.

So, change... Still looking for it.

Regardless as to whether this new government will be as good as everyone hopes, it's good (well, something, anyway) for Ghana as an African country that has had a fairly peaceful, 'democratic' election resulting in a change of power. That's pretty interesting really and doesn't seem to happen a lot on this continent.

Here's me with Professor Mills on my shirt:

Ok. Enough of that.
