The internet's been down, hence my silence. I know you missed me. Sorry.
I can't be bothered relating my last week's activities, not really in the mood right now. Sorry again.
In short, my brain's getting full - I can feel rhythms falling out as soon as, in a lesson, I try to cram them in. I am thus trying to have a few days of rest. It's a little bit hard to achieve due to my popularity, electric personality and wit. Sorry about that. Again.
So, I am merely posting so as to post and let you know that I posted. So there.
Also, in response to Anonymous's post rebuking my claim about the connection between physical and emotional states, I reckon that your argument actually supports my view, not the opposite; boredom, excessive workload and frustration are all easily understood and observed as physical conditions (boredom and frustration have definite [although not necessarily consistent between individuals], observable physical symptoms - take notice next time you are frustrated or bored). As for the monks and their science, it also makes sense from my viewpoint that calming your body would calm your mind (and, of course, vice versa - your 'mind' is, most likely, a product of your body.
So, again, in conclusion: Materialism, woo yeah!
On a completely unrelated note (but not really), I enabled anonymous commenting more so as to allow people who are scared, unable or too busy to sign up for a google account (and to stop the excuse that people didn't comment because it asked them for a password and then they gave up. Take that!) than to give people a means to say things without anyone knowing who they are. As such, I would ask for people commenting anonymously to sign off with their name (or nickname or whatever) so I know who you are and how to interpret the comment and stuff. I know this undermines the idea of anonymity but you'll deal with it. Also, you don't even have to do it. So, yeah.
A new song's up. It's not mine, it's by Chick Corea. I was just transcribing it and fiddling around and I thought you could have a listen. So, do it. On the right.
Thanks for those of you who donated to movember. I now have a beard to accompany my mo:

By popular demand, the beard is staying. For those of you who are upset by this - you have learned the hard way the power of your vote.
I think my plan is to have Okuley give me a number one all over (my head. Just my head) except for my little moustache thus looking like this:
But without the stupid hat. And funnier. But possibly with slightly fewer screaming girls running after me.
Still waiting for song ideas. If it doesn't happen, fine. I'll just cry some more.
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