Thursday, August 7, 2008

A new hope™

Welcome to The Internets.

I am travelling to Africa soon. I don't like sending group emails. Consequently, I have set up this weblog in order to document and communicate my experiences to YOU, the enthralled reader. Please feel free to read it. Or not. I have no idea how easily, regularly or interestingly I will be able to write stuff on here (Travel Blog Solutions, The Internets) once I am over there (Ghana, Africa), but we will see.

Oh yes, we will see.

In case you don't know why this beautiful blog thing is happening, I am travelling to Ghana, Africa to study percussion. I have 6 months free from Uni and work and am going to just stay over there (Ghana, Africa) and do stuff (to be documented in/on this here blog) until my money runs out. If you want to keep me away for longer, I will happily take money from you. With or without your knowing.

So, please excuse my self-conscious, pseudo-intellectual rambling as I try to work out how I am going to do this and 'find my voice'. Also, feel free to abuse or buse me in the comments... That will be fun for all involved.

Also, if you read this before next Wednesday the 13th of August (when I leave) and have an old, unlocked, spare mobile phone that you would not mind me giving to someone in Ghana and can be bothered/are able to get said phone to me before I leave, please let me know.

Finally, by the time you read this , I have probably sent an email around informing people of Travel Blog Solutions' existence. If I have missed someone out, please let them know and accept my HUMBLE apology.

I need a catchy sign off.

1 comment:

Daniel said...

Goodness me. I simply had no idea you were going to Ghana. Well... have fun. Who will help me when I stupidly delete everything from my harddrive now?